Get to know our company
This web site and the related trade organization have been founded by Mr. Basar Teker, the former Port and Foreign Trade Manager of As Cimento/Ascimport (formerly known as Adoport) . Our establishment is run by top independent professional dealers in this field.
Our deep insight sigma essays and experience gained over the years in cement trading and shipping operations as well as the privileged relationships with the local manufacturers enabled us to conduct and successfully accomplish numerous cement and clinker international deals exceeding the volume of 1 million mts involving more than 200 vessels in the last 5 years. Our flexibility, promptness and proficiency in reacting to the cement and clinker demands in the market have contributed to us becoming a very important partner for top global cement manufacturers and traders in the world. Our core business includes cement and clinker trade and related logistics, but on the other hand we have very strong and active background of steel, coal and various minerals international deals.
Our major cement/clinker export markets are Middle East (Syria-Northern Iraq-Lebanon), North Africa (Egypt-Libya-Algeria-Morocco) West Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo- Congo Republic-Equatorial Guinea- Angola-Cameroon-Togo etc) customwriting paper writing Europe (Italy-Spain-Greece-France etc.) and South America. is the right address for international importers to gain accurate, successful and trustworthy access to Turkish cement sources. We are providing our customers with complete assistance and professional consultation to accomplish the purchase and shipping operations in a quick and effective way. Our professional shipping department provides our customers with turnkey bulk and general cargo handling solutions to meet all your operational and logistics expectations.
For shipping assistance and all related requirements please contact our shipping department via
We would like to express our gratitude to our loyal customers as well as our manufacturers, without their supports and trust in us we could not be able to proceed this far.
With our latest agreements and new sources we have now over 1 million mts of cement and clinker annual deal capacity, with exclusivity and priority agreements gained from some major Turkish manufacturers and top global traders.
We are one of the top and most trustworthy Turkish cement/clinker dealer in the market that delivers cement and clinker to 4 continents over 20 countries all around the world.